Friday, October 15, 2010

Devin Scully Leads First GDCI Student Walkout

Today, Devin Scully announced that he would be taking action against the unfairness and injustice he's been seeing in our school. Spreading around petition sheets and sneaking into the office to say a word or two over the intercom, he's finally decided that the best course of action would be a full-student walk-out.

"I know that it's drastic, but at the moment, it seems to be our only choice." Devin said when questioned about his actions. "We have to let the teachers and staff know that we mean business, and we're willing to go out of our way to make our school a better place."

He proposes that at a set time, every student wishing to make a difference is to stand up, leave the classroom, and meet at Tim-Hortons for complimentary bagels and coffee.

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