Friday, December 3, 2010

Music Quiz Questions

Around how much money were the earlier bands making?

Did a large majority of the profits go to the record companies like they do today?

How has the music industry changed since the 1950's?

Can you see the music industry changing in the future, as much as it has in the past 50 years?

How have musical instruments, such as the guitar, drums, or vocal-recording devices, changed and improved since the 1960's?

Why don't we see the same type and style that we did in 1960, as we do now?

How have the general population's musical tastes changed?

With the introduction of new equipment, alongside the rapidly changing musical tastes, has the recording and song-writing process become easier? Harder?

What style of music do you think will continue to remain popular?

How has the concert experience changed? Is there better lighting and sound?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

1. List three shows that you like.

2. Explain one reason each why you like each show.

3. List three shows you do not like or watch.

4. Explain one reason each why you do not like or 
watch each show.

5. Estimate how much you watch TV in a regular 
weekday and then a weekend day.

6. Quickly do the same for your parents. (1 each)

7. WHY do you like the shows you chose? Be very 
specific and try to think about what attracts you to 
the shows you like.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Matt and Alex's product - E-Tip iPhone Gloves

With winter just around the corner, iPhone users nation-wide will face more or less the same dilemma. You might not know it, or you might not have realized it yet, but the iPhone/iPod Touch's screen relies on heat sensitivity, not pressure.

Ever try using a pencil eraser to unlock your device? Well, that's a prime example of the heat sensitive touch screen. It simply won't work. So what do you think happens when you're standing out front of your bus-stop, waiting to go to work or school on a cold winter day? Well, chances are, you're bundled up for the weather, wearing your favorite gloves, coat, and hat.

So imagine one's frustration when the iPhone user must either take off his or her gloves to activate the phone, or simply wait until they're some place warmer. That's where E-Tip gloves come in.

E-Tip gloves contain new, revolutionary technology. Mending traces of silver into the fingertips of the gloves, the tips of the gloves can stay warm enough to emulate a human finger, therefore completely eliminating the need to take off the gloves to use the phone. But that's not all.

Using bluetooth receptors built into the palm of the glove, you can wirelessly establish a connection between the hand-wear and iPhone/iTouch. However, the glove still flops and bends just like a regular glove, so there's no worry for breaking or damaging the components inside - You won't be able to tell the difference between our E-Tip gloves and regular gloves.

The E-Tip gloves will be selling for about $50 CND a pair.

Our campaign strategy would most likely involve marketing this product to people who own an iPhone - We would be buying ad places on websites that involve mobile phones in general, or any apple related devices. That way, we're more likely to catch the attention of any techies who are looking for new iPhone gear.

We would try to increase ad placement around Christmas, maybe renting out a kiosk in a mall in hopes of advertising it further, and letting customers try them out before purchasing. The only problem with our product (Something the general public may not even realize) is that it's a seasonal product - Gloves are most commonly worn in the winter, when it's cold. Right around this time. Once summer hits, there's a good chance people won't use the gloves as much as they did.

As I said previously, this product would most likely be aimed at people ages 17-40, along with technology sites that involve mobile phones.

***Start Script***

[male narrator] Tired of your iPhone's screen becoming unresponsive in the winter?  Maybe you're looking for a new way to sync your music and bluetooth?

M&A Corporation has finally found the answer to the inconveniences of winter. Don't let old Mother Nature get in the way of using your favorite piece of technology. Now with the E-Tip gloves, synching and typing in the winter is a snap.

By simply synchronizing the glove with your home computer, you can keep all of your music in check. The glove is Wi-Fi compatible, BlueTooth enabled, and tight and snug like any glove should be. The wireless capabilities allow the glove to charge the device as well, as long as you're holding it in the palm of your hand.

Now available at all Apple stores and major electronic departments.

***End Script***

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ad Analysis - Bioshock

The ad analysis I have chosen to do is a study on a magazine ad for the PC game "Bioshock".

Right off the bat, you notice the largest size of font on the top of the page. "MASTERPIECE". It draws the eyes right away, along with the smaller text underneath of it reading "-Game Informer", which implies that a critic has said this about the game.

There are many other one liners that the critics have said, such as "It's one of those rare games that comes along every five or ten years, sucks you in, knocks your socks off, and haunts you for years after you've played it."

Any gamer that has played video games before can relate and name several cases in which video games have done this to them. The ad is trying to tell the reader that this is one of those special games, the games that gamers love so much.

Below, it shows the title of the game, with the text underneath reading "A genetically enhanced shooter." Right away, this sparks interest. The idea is original, fresh, and intriguing, and is powerful enough to make people want to buy the game. Next to it, it shows the game box packaging for both the PC and Xbox 360 versions, the M for Mature rating directly below it.

The background portrays two of the most common enemies in the game, only a silhouette. The larger figure is bulky, huge, and has a drill coming out of his hand, which would be enough to make any gamer wonder just how formidable the foes will be. Gamers like a challenge, and I think the ad is trying to tell the reader that they'll get one.

Next, the ratings. All 10 out of 10, and 5 out of 5, all from very credible review websites. Wired, PC Gamer, Yahoo Games, Game Informer, and GamePro, all well known by gamers.

In the end, I think they did a very good job of marketing this game. The graphics are fresh and exciting, along with refreshing to look at as an alternative art style.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Devin Scully Leads First GDCI Student Walkout

Today, Devin Scully announced that he would be taking action against the unfairness and injustice he's been seeing in our school. Spreading around petition sheets and sneaking into the office to say a word or two over the intercom, he's finally decided that the best course of action would be a full-student walk-out.

"I know that it's drastic, but at the moment, it seems to be our only choice." Devin said when questioned about his actions. "We have to let the teachers and staff know that we mean business, and we're willing to go out of our way to make our school a better place."

He proposes that at a set time, every student wishing to make a difference is to stand up, leave the classroom, and meet at Tim-Hortons for complimentary bagels and coffee.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Devin Sculley Takes Action

Recently, speculation has been raised that some of GDCI's locker numbers themselves could be offensive. Student Devin Scully commented that numbers like 69, 666, and 420 don't belong in a school, and should be removed. "The next step of action? Eradicate the offending digits from their very home! The text books!"

Devin thinks that some of the students might feel offended upon spotting such numbers thrown carelessly on lockers (More so, the younger students.). He also noted that some students have a firm religious belief, and so seeing a number such as 666 (The number of the beast.), they may feel frightened. In fact, there's actually a satanic ritual written on the inside of the locker. "I command thee, Lucifer, to rise."

It also appears that some fellow classmates have helped to destroy the numbers, going as far as placing an extra 0 on the end of the 69 locker. "I'm glad to see other students such as myself are taking action against the injustice we see here every day at school, and I continue to support our cause."

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New Hungarian "Chainless" Bicycle Launched Today

Hungarian bike enthusiasts have been searching for years to find a new way to drive a bicycle forward, without the use of easy-to-fall-off, greasy chains. Two months ago, they found their answer.

What they designed required a complete overhaul of how a bike normally works. Instead of chains, the usage of steel wires have been implemented. This drives the bike further forward, with even less effort then it took with the original model.

Some other positive effects the wire design allows is the fact that the rear tire can now be removed effortlessly, whilst before, several different components needed to be removed before this was possible.

Some people have raised speculation that this new bike may be in fact more difficult to assemble or modify. RĂ³bert KOHLHEB, one of the bike's three original inventors, assures that "Even though the bike design looks complicated, it's very quite simple to operate and use. As a matter of fact, I'm confident in saying that people won't even notice a difference (while riding it)."

Along with Oliver and Gabor, his partners, he hopes that people will be intrigued by the fresh, futuristic design, and be prompted to purchase one. At the very least, they'll give it a try.

Although everyone's still very unsure of whether or not the new bike will catch on, one thing's for sure. If it does, the age-old dilemma of bike chains falling off will be a trouble of the past!

Friday, September 10, 2010

1.  What makes a newspaper different from other printed media?
A newspaper distributes information to a large group of people, such as a city, town, or a country. 

2.  What role did the Industrial Revolution play in expanding the readership of newspapers?
The industrial revolution allowed more people to make newspapers, and in larger quantities. When only 10000 or 20000 could be made in a month, the start of the Industrial Revolution let people make 10 million, or 20 million in the same amount of time, using machines to do the work for them.

3.  What kind of relationship did Pullitzer and Hearst have with each other?  Why?
They were both friends, and they were both journalists and writers for a newspaper. They were the ones who were submitting the lies that were taking place dow

4.  What is meant by 'Yellow Journalism?'
"Yellow Journalism" means that the journal article or newspaper article isn't credible. Yellow Journalism is usually applied when the writer wants to make their story more exciting or interesting, but at the cost of staying honest to faithful readers.

5.  When was the Spanish-American war?  Who was involved?

5.  Including at least one picture, cartoon, or news story in your answer, explain how yellow journalism help initiate the Spanish-American war.

6.  What is meant by the term 'Sensationalism' ?
Sensationalism means to over-hype or over-dramatize a situation, either for attention or for other reasons. 

7.  Would you mind telling a small lie if it meant making a sale or a bit of extra money for yourself?
Yes, I think that morally, I would be unable to do so. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My Blog's up.

Yep. It appears that I've managed to create myself a blog for my class assignment.