Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Song Analysis

A genre of music that people here may have never heard before. However, in a different part of the world, it's embraced as a part of culture and artistic style. It's usually portrayed as a heavier metal grind, with brass instruments and woodwinds backing the sharp metal tones.

The song "Dark Chest of Wonders" is a perfect example of symphonic metal.

The song starts off with a soft voice, that quickly transitions into a heavy metal guitar riff, with a keyboard providing orchestra hits in the background. More guitar follows, a vocal choir joining in as well.

Nightwish, the Finnish Symphonic metal band, specializes in this different style of music. This song in particular is one of their best, which is why I've chosen to write about it.

Dark Chest of Wonders, in comparison to some of the other songs Nightwish has produced, is relatively short. Some of the scores extend for up to 10 minutes in other songs, this song only about 3-4 minutes.

Upon listening, you'll probably be able to tell that it isn't exactly normal music that everybody listens to. It contains a lot of elements that aren't really in modern music. Opera vocals are sung by Tarja Turnenan, only the backing vocals being emulated by the keyboard.

The lyrics definitely apply a fantasy setting to the song, which is fitting for the type of music. There are plenty of songs that make reference to different Scandinavian legends and lore, some more than others.

The drumming is nothing too different from modern metal beats - Prominent, sharp double kick-pedal thumps, hard snare hits, and good technique. The guitar as well emits a common metal riff.

Nearing the end of the song, woodwinds join in as melody, accompanying the guitar riffs, giving the song much more of an epic feel. In the last few seconds of the song, the keyboard delivers a few more orchestra hits, before bringing the song to a close.

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