Friday, April 1, 2011

Three Favorite Movies

Quarantine -

The first time I viewed this movie, I thought that it satisfied almost everything I'd ever wanted to see in a horror-survival theme - A closed, constricted area, with no escape. Limited fire-arm use, and running. The camera work is supposed to be guerilla-style, much like the Blair Witch Project, so it involves a lot of running and jerky shots.

A lot of mystery surrounds the entire film. Even when it's finished, it may take another rewatch to take in all of the hints and details that are presented. Going into the movie, you know that the main character is a news reporter, interviewing a small group of firefighter/paramedics. After a few minutes, they're called into an apartment complex to investigate a loud, blood-curdling scream. Upon entry to Mrs. Espinoza's apartment building, they find that she's been infected with what appears to be a modified strain of rabies. She brutally attacks them, and they manage to subdue her after she bites one of the firemen. Bleeding profusely and requiring medical attention, the firefighter is rushed to the exit, only to find it securely welded shut and bolted, as they've been locked inside by the government, who's desperate to keep the entire incident covered up. Some very interesting camera angles are used to capture their running, more notably when they're on the stairs.

The rest of the movie goes on, as little by little, everyone becomes bitten as the outbreak becomes out of control, the wounded fireman reverting to a primal, feral state. It's revealed that a man in the attic is an activist extremist, who has concocted a disease that spreads rapidly upon contact. As the news reporter and her camera man try to escape the infection, they're forced further and further up the building and into the attic, where they meet their fate. The movie ends.

The Adjustment Bureau -

The movie is centered around a New York politician, who, at the start of the film, fails to make the latest poll election. Shattered, he prepares to make his speech to his supporters, when he meets a beautiful girl in the men's bathroom, hiding from the building's security. The two begin to talk, and soon find that they're in love with each other, as they have an intelligent conversation and realize that they share most of the same opinions on things as well. She wishes him good luck, and runs off, the hotel security close behind her.

He goes on, with new-found courage, to give his speech. He delivers an exceptional one, and is pushed into the lead with votes for the next upcoming election, for which he decides to run again for. However, he's unable to stop thinking about the girl he met, but continues on with his efforts to be a politician. They meet again by complete chance, and that's when it becomes apparent that there are strange, dark, powerful forces, that will do everything in their considerable power to make sure they can't be together. The forces are represented by humans, wearing suits and special business hats that allow entry to any locked door, along with the ability to take a door to anywhere in the world. They say that, due to the predestined path designed for everybody, the two are strictly not to be together.

It's revealed that she was "adjusted", so that her path would lead her to meet him in a chance situation, in order to boost his confidence, so that he would go on to eventually become president of the United States. She, on the other hand, would go on to be a famous dance choreographer. If they were to be together, than neither of those futures would ever happen.

It's a somewhat original love story, filled with decent camera-work, special effects, and good acting.

Gurren-Lagann (Anime) -

Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann is set in an alternate universe, and follows the travels of Simon, Kamina and Yoko as they break free of the oppressing laws that state that they must remain underground, in large caverns that house full communities of people. Simon is a hand-drill miner, and his job is to dig underneath the village and expand it further, to avoid earthquakes and the risk of a cave in. It's made clear that he's the most skilled digger in the village, yet he's young and weak, and often made fun of. He often goes off to dig by himself, losing himself in thought as he drills his way through the ground. One night, he discovers a small robot deep underground, a cockpit on the top of it, and a face on the front. Kamina names it Lagann.

Meanwhile, the older Kamina, Simon's self-proclaimed "Bro", once more attempts to break free of the underground life he's confined to. He's always longed to live on the surface, as when he was younger, his father left for it, leaving him behind as he was too scared at the time.

Suddenly, a massive armored mech-robot drops in through the roof of the village, bright sunlight streaming in through the ceiling. Not long after, a girl named Yoko arrives, toting a large 50. Cal energy rifle that she carries and fires effortlessly, despite her nimble frame. She fights the robot for a while, as Simon makes the scene with his new fighter, which he barely knows how to control. In the end of the episode, Kamina, Simon and Yoko destroy the enemy, Simon's mech sprouting a drill through it's head, to which they use to break through to the surface.

The rest of the series goes on, battling their way across the barren, desert-like land as they make their way towards the Spiral King, the man who issued the command to force everybody underground. After they prevail, a time-lapse takes place, which cuts to a 19-year-old Simon. The rest of the series involves upgrading Lagann with larger mechs, as it's revealed that using the drill and connecting to other mechs forcefully, the smaller Lagann can actually consume the machinery, in a way. The entire anime isn't supposed to make too much sense, and is mostly a parody of other Mecha animes. By the end of the series, Lagann has been upgraded to Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann, a vast machine that spans the length of 100 thousand Light years of distance.

For being an unrealistic anime, it certainly has some moments that are heart-wrenching. A tragic death occurs, inspirational lines are spoken, and absolutely ridiculous scenarios take place. I thought it was immensely enjoyable.