Friday, December 3, 2010

Music Quiz Questions

Around how much money were the earlier bands making?

Did a large majority of the profits go to the record companies like they do today?

How has the music industry changed since the 1950's?

Can you see the music industry changing in the future, as much as it has in the past 50 years?

How have musical instruments, such as the guitar, drums, or vocal-recording devices, changed and improved since the 1960's?

Why don't we see the same type and style that we did in 1960, as we do now?

How have the general population's musical tastes changed?

With the introduction of new equipment, alongside the rapidly changing musical tastes, has the recording and song-writing process become easier? Harder?

What style of music do you think will continue to remain popular?

How has the concert experience changed? Is there better lighting and sound?