Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New Hungarian "Chainless" Bicycle Launched Today

Hungarian bike enthusiasts have been searching for years to find a new way to drive a bicycle forward, without the use of easy-to-fall-off, greasy chains. Two months ago, they found their answer.

What they designed required a complete overhaul of how a bike normally works. Instead of chains, the usage of steel wires have been implemented. This drives the bike further forward, with even less effort then it took with the original model.

Some other positive effects the wire design allows is the fact that the rear tire can now be removed effortlessly, whilst before, several different components needed to be removed before this was possible.

Some people have raised speculation that this new bike may be in fact more difficult to assemble or modify. RĂ³bert KOHLHEB, one of the bike's three original inventors, assures that "Even though the bike design looks complicated, it's very quite simple to operate and use. As a matter of fact, I'm confident in saying that people won't even notice a difference (while riding it)."

Along with Oliver and Gabor, his partners, he hopes that people will be intrigued by the fresh, futuristic design, and be prompted to purchase one. At the very least, they'll give it a try.

Although everyone's still very unsure of whether or not the new bike will catch on, one thing's for sure. If it does, the age-old dilemma of bike chains falling off will be a trouble of the past!

Friday, September 10, 2010

1.  What makes a newspaper different from other printed media?
A newspaper distributes information to a large group of people, such as a city, town, or a country. 

2.  What role did the Industrial Revolution play in expanding the readership of newspapers?
The industrial revolution allowed more people to make newspapers, and in larger quantities. When only 10000 or 20000 could be made in a month, the start of the Industrial Revolution let people make 10 million, or 20 million in the same amount of time, using machines to do the work for them.

3.  What kind of relationship did Pullitzer and Hearst have with each other?  Why?
They were both friends, and they were both journalists and writers for a newspaper. They were the ones who were submitting the lies that were taking place dow

4.  What is meant by 'Yellow Journalism?'
"Yellow Journalism" means that the journal article or newspaper article isn't credible. Yellow Journalism is usually applied when the writer wants to make their story more exciting or interesting, but at the cost of staying honest to faithful readers.

5.  When was the Spanish-American war?  Who was involved?

5.  Including at least one picture, cartoon, or news story in your answer, explain how yellow journalism help initiate the Spanish-American war.

6.  What is meant by the term 'Sensationalism' ?
Sensationalism means to over-hype or over-dramatize a situation, either for attention or for other reasons. 

7.  Would you mind telling a small lie if it meant making a sale or a bit of extra money for yourself?
Yes, I think that morally, I would be unable to do so. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My Blog's up.

Yep. It appears that I've managed to create myself a blog for my class assignment.